Wednesday 21 September 2011

Skin Acne

Acne usually appears in puberty and goes away as one enters adulthood. However, many suffer acne into adulthood or do not experience acne until adulthood. Multiple factors are involved in acne. And there are just as many methods of treating it. While some treatments work for some, they may not work for others. It's important to check with a doctor before taking anything for acne or treating it at home.
Acne is generally caused by increased activity in sebum (oil) production as a result of increased hormone production experienced as a result of puberty. Sometimes acne is a result of this oil becoming trapped due to the oil being relatively thicker, smaller pore size, or excess dead skin cells. Research, by Professor Zhao Zhongzhou, sites that acne is also caused by a microscopic mite which lives on the faces of the majority of humans on the planet.